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(29mh Samhain 2008 gu crìoch na bliadhna)
(29th November 2008 until end of the year)
Uill, a-réir coltais, mar a’s duirche is a’s fhuaire a dh’fhàsas e, ’s ann a’s beothaile a dh’fhàsas e ... a thaobh saoghal nan Gàidheal an Lunnainn co-dhiùbh! Ged a tha e fliuch is fuar taobh a-muigh, tha mìos làn ghnìomhachasan romhainn eadar seo is àm na Nollaige (faicibh gu h-ìseal). Fileantach, neach-ionnsachaidh no ‘caraid do’n chànan’ – chan eil gu diofar: bithibh ’nur pàirt dheth – is mealaibh e!
Well, as it would seem, the colder and darker it gets, the livelier it gets ... at least as regards the Gaelic scene in London! Though it may be cold and wet outside, we have a month full of activities to look forward to between now and Christmas (see below). Native-speaker, learner or ‘friend of the language’ – it doesn’t matter: be part of it – and enjoy!
Tìoraidh an-dràsd’!
Eòghann P.
PS/ Ma bhios sibh a’ cur air dòigh thachartasan a tha comh-cheangailte ri Gàidhlig no ris a’ chultur Ghàidhealach an Lunnainn no an Ceann Ear-dheas Shasainn ’san àm ri teachd, cuiribh fios chugam mu’n deidhinn! – If you are organising future events relating to Gaelic or to Highland culture in London or the South-East of England, let me know about them!
PPS/ ’S e Là Féill Anndra am-màireach! – St. Andrew’s Day tomorrow!
Di-Sathairne, 29mh Samhain 2008, bho 7:30f Comunn na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean an Lunnainn (HISL), Taigh Cecil Sharpe, NW1 (Fon-talamh: Camden Town) Òrain Ghàidhlig bho Chaitlin Ghreumach (Eilean Sgitheanach), is ceòl bho Frank Reid is a chòmhlan-dannsa Albannach Inntreas: £20 / £15 (buill HISL is ‘lùghdachaidhean’) Làrach-lìn: Post-d: |
Saturday, 29th November 2008, from 7:30pm Highlands and Islands Society of London (HISL), Cecil Sharpe House, NW1 (Underground: Camden Town) Gaelic songs from Kathleen Graham (Isle of Skye), and music from Frank Reid and his Scottish dance band Admission: £20 / £15 (HISL members and ‘concessions’) Website: E-mail: |
Di-Dòmhnaich, 30mh Samhain 2008, 12:00 meadhon-latha gu 5:00f Blasad ‘Gaeilge’ (no ‘Gaedhilge’ – ’s fheàrr leinn an seann litreachadh!) ann an Ionad Culturail nan Éireannach, oisinn Black’s Road is King Street, Hammersmith, W6 (Fon-talamh: Hammersmith). Le òraidich, bùithtean-obrach is filmichean ùra ann an Gàidhlig na h-Éireann. Còmhla ri Coláiste na nGael. Inntreas: £13 (no £40 air 4 tiocaidean), le biadh Làrach-lìn: |
Sunday, 30th November 2008, 12:00 noon to 5:00pm A taster of ‘Gaeilge’ (or ‘Gaedhilge’ – we prefer the old spelling!) at the Irish Cultural Centre, corner of Black’s Road and King Street, Hammersmith, W6 (Underground: Hammersmith). With guest speakers, workshops and new films in Irish Gaelic. In association with Coláiste na nGael. Admission: £13 (or £40 for 4 tickets), with lunch Website: |
Di-Dòmhnaich, 7mh Dùdlachd 2008 Seirbhis eadar-eaglaiseil an Gàidhlig is ’sa Bheurla, leis an Urr. Athair Calum MacGill-Fhaolain (Eirisgeigh) is Còisir Lunnainn. Eaglais Aonaichte Ath-Leasaichte, Tavistock Place (oisinn Regent Square), WC1 Greim-neòin bho 12:30f; seirbhis bho 2.00f Làrach-lìn: |
Inter-denominational service in Gaelic and English with Rev. Father Calum MacLellan (Eriskay) and the London Gaelic Choir (Còisir Lunnainn). United Reformed Church, Tavistock Place (corner of Regent Square), WC1 Buffet lunch from 12:30pm; service from 2.00pm Làrach-lìn: |
Di-Sathairne, 13mh Dùdlachd 2008, bho 7:30f Comunn Gàidhlig Lunnainn, talla Eaglais Cùirt a’ Chrùin, Covent Garden, WC2 (Fon-talamh: Covent Garden no Charing Cross) Òrain Ghàidhlig bho Linn Phipps (a bhuannaich ‘Aigeallan-Airgid’ nam Ban aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail, 2008) Inntreas: £20 Làrach-lìn: |
Saturday, 13th December 2008 from 7:30pm
Gaelic songs from Linn Phipps (winner of the Ladies’ ‘Silver Pendant’ at the Royal National Mòd, 2008) Admission: £20 Website: |
Di-Dòmhnaich, 14mh Dùdlachd 2008 aig 3:30f Seirbhis an Gàidhlig ann an Eaglais Cùirt a’ Chrùin, Covent Garden, WC2, leis an Urr. Murchadh MacLeòid (Eaglais Rathad Chrow, Glaschu) (Fon-talamh: Covent Garden no Charing Cross) Le srùbaig ann an talla na h-eaglaise an deaghaidh làimh (an t-srùbag a’s fheàrr a th’ann an Lunnainn!). |
Sunday, 14th December 2008 at 3:30pm
With a ‘stroupach’ (cup of tea) in the church hall afterwards (London’s best ‘stroupach’!). |
And the ‘regulars’: don’t forget that these events run throughout the year! | ||
A’ chòisir Ghàidhlig an Lunnainn; coinneamh gach Di-Màirt ann an talla Eaglais Cùirt a’ Chrùin, Covent Garden, WC2 aig 7.00f (Fon-talamh: Covent Garden no Charing Cross) Coinneamh dheireannach na bliadhna: Di-Màirt, 16mh Dùdlachd 2008 (CBC) Làrach-lìn: Post-d: |
The Gaelic choir in London; meets every Tuesday in the hall of Crown Court Church, Covent Garden, WC2 at 7.00pm (Underground: Covent Garden or Charing Cross) Last meeting of the year: Tuesday, 16th December 2008 (AGM) Website: E-mail: |
Anns a’ CityLit, Sràid Keeley, Lunnainn WC2 (Fon-talamh: Holborn) Ìre 1: gach Di-Ciadaoin aig 6.00f Ìre 2: gach Di-Ciadaoin aig 7:30f Làrach-lìn: |
In the CityLit, Keeley Street, London WC2 (Underground: Holborn) Level 1: every Wednesday at 6:00pm Level 2: every Wednesday at 7:30pm Website: |
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