By Craig Cockburn, IT Professional from Scotland. Digital Transformation, Agile Management, Politics and Social change
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03 December 2013
Gaelic Events in Edinburgh - December 2013
29 November 2013
Time to change the social business model
Having more people work from home would relieve pressure on city housing markets, encourage the rural economy, help disabled people who have transport difficulties, encourage a development of digital technologies, make Scotland a leader in a social revolution away from the 19th century mentality of going to a factory for everyone to work in one place, encourage employment in rural areas, promote Scotland as a place of work in the global marketplace, reduce over congestion in cities, promote rural economies, assist parents and carers to balance childcare and work, decrease the need for transport (and hence be green), reduce the need for children to move when their parents change job and above all increase social stability.
All those advantages and more.
Yes we need a digital infrastructure although large parts of what we need have been in place for years, but we also need social change to go along with it. Can the government take a lead on enabling the social change to take advantage of the new digital infrastructure being created?
West Lothian
Update 19/05/2014
I contributed to the Scottish Parliament Fathers and Parenting Inquiry, the report is now available. I am pleased to say my comments, ignored by The Scotsman, have been taken on board. Relevant extract below:
95. She highlighted the role of the parenting strategy in ensuring flexible working and other family-friendly policies were available to parents. That is a powerful tool that the Government has. We have the power to influence change in the national, top-level sense. Legislation is another powerful tool that the Government has to make further cultural change. We are also working with employers to support them in creating workplaces that encourage a better work-life balance for everyone. So that we can help dads to thrive at home and at work, we have formed a new partnership with Fathers Network Scotland, the parenting across Scotland group and Working Families to try to change the way that Scotland‘s parents live and work.
96. The Minister also brought attention to other approaches the Scottish Government was taking to encourage employers to offer flexible working. At the Institute of Directors awards tonight, we are sponsoring an award for companies that have shown excellence in providing family-friendly flexible working practices. This is the second year that we have sponsored the award, in order to work with a group of people who would not normally engage with this subject and to showcase the way in which businesses are doing their bit to allow families to have a better work-life balance.
97. We were not surprised to find that much of the evidence we heard on childcare and flexible working echoed what we heard during our Women and Work inquiry, but are concerned to find that not only do these issues keep women from actively participating in work, they keep fathers from actively participating in parenting. The imbalance in parental leave entitlements and access to flexible working arrangements are clearly a cause for concern. The Scottish Government has shown a drive towards improving the situation, and, as in our Women and Work inquiry we commend the Scottish Government on its approach and ask that such issues remain a priority in implementing the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the national parenting strategy. In responding, we ask that the Minister include an update on progress made against the recommendations made in our Women and Work inquiry report.
02 November 2013
Gaelic Events in Edinburgh - November/December 2013
From: "John Macleod" <>
Date: 2 Nov 2013 17:35
Subject: Gaelic Events in Edinburgh - November/December 2013
To: <>
Friday 01.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Saturday 02.11.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 02.11.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 02.11.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Saturday 02.11.12 – 7.30pm Comunn Tir nam Beann Ceilidh, Augustine United Church, 41-43 George IV Bridge. Emma & Rachel Deans (Gaelic songs), Ruairidh MacIntyre (Gaelic songs), Hazel Forsyth (Scots songs), Wee Highland Dancers, Amina Davidson (Accordion & Fiddle), Neil McClure (piper). (Cont: 467 5236)
Sunday 03.11.13 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 04.11.13 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Mint Café, 3 Semple Street. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 04.11.13 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 04.11.13 – 6.30pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 05.11.13 – 1.30pm Gaelic Beginners Course, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonningston Road. (1hr 30m) (Cont: 663 1921 or
Tuesday 05.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 05.11.13 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 06.11.13 – 2.30pm Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 06.11.13 – 7.30pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 07.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Friday 08.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 9-12), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 33-36), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 57-60), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 09.11.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 10.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 13-18), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 10.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 37-40), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 10.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 61-64), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 10.11.13 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 11.11.13 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Mint Café, 3 Semple Street. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 11.11.13 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 11.11.13 – 6.30pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 12.11.13 – 1.30pm Gaelic Beginners Course, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonningston Road. (1hr 30m) (Cont: 663 1921 or
Tuesday 12.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 12.11.13 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 13.11.13 – 2.30pm Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 13.11.13 – 7.30pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 14.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Thursday 14.11.13 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir AGM – Morningside United Church. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 14.11.13 – 8.00pm Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhun Eideann – Social evening Captain's Bar, South College St. Fluent speakers & learners all welcome. (Cont:
Friday 15.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Friday 15.11.13 – 7.45pm Gaelic in the Borders – Ceilidh at Maxton Village Hall – music, song & story. Soup & pudding supper. (Cont:
Saturday 16.11.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 16.11.13 – 11.00am Christmas at Newbattle Abbey – includes Gaelic singing & taster sessions. Newbattle Abbey College, Newbattle Rd, Dalkeith. (Cont: 663 1921 or
Saturday 16.11.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 16.11.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 17.11.13 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 18.11.13 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Mint Café, 3 Semple Street. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 18.11.13 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 18.11.13 – 6.30pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 19.11.13 – 1.30pm Gaelic Beginners Course, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonningston Road. (1hr 30m) (Cont: 663 1921 or
Tuesday 19.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 19.11.13 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 20.11.13 – 2.30pm Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 20.11.13 – 7.30pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 21.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Thursday 21.11.13 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Morningside United Church, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Friday 22.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 19-20), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 41-44), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 65-68), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 23.11.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 24.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 21-24), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 24.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 45-48), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 24.11.13 – 9.00am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Weekend Sessions (0900 – 1600) (Units 69-72), Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Sunday 24.11.13 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 25.11.13 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Mint Café, 3 Semple Street. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 25.11.13 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 25.11.13 – 6.30pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 26.11.13 – 1.30pm Gaelic Beginners Course, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonningston Road. (1hr 30m) (Cont: 663 1921 or
Tuesday 26.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 26.11.13 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 27.11.13 – 2.30pm Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 27.11.13 – 7.30pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 28.11.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Thursday 28.11.13 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Morningside United Church, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 28.11.13 – 8.00pm Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhun Eideann – Social evening Captain's Bar, South College St. Fluent speakers & learners all welcome. (Cont:
Friday 29.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Saturday 30.11.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 30.11.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 30.11.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 01.12.13 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 02.12.13 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Mint Café, 3 Semple Street. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 02.12.13 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 02.12.13 – 6.30pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 03.12.13 – 1.30pm Gaelic Beginners Course, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, Bonningston Road. (1hr 30m) (Cont: 663 1921 or
Tuesday 03.12.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Tuesday 03.12.13 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 04.12.13 – 2.30pm Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 04.12.13 – 7.30pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 05.12.13 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Tollcross Community Centre. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Thursday 05.12.13 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Morningside United Church, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Friday 06.11.13 – 7.00pm Cèilidh nan Amhràin – Gaelic songs from Scotland & Ireland, Tollcross Community Centre (1hr 45m). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800 or
Saturday 07.12.13 – 9.30am Ulpan Gaelic Learning Twice-weekly course (Units 25-48) Leith Academy, 20 Academy Park, Leith. (Cont: 01463 226732 or
Saturday 07.12.13 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 07.12.13 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
20 October 2013
T-mobile EE Orange complaint re misleading fair use policy
11 October 2013
Banking Security
thank you so much for increasing your security. From now on rather than having to remember a username and password, I now have to remember a username, a longer password, a 6 digit number and a picture. Between yourselves and all the other secure sites I use, this is plainly too much information to remember and so I thank you for forcing me to write it down in the big file on my computer labelled "excessive security written by teams that don't think people will write things down" and it will be stored with all my other login details again due to security teams who stick their heads in the sand and think noone will ever write anything down because it is too complicated to remember. Memorable date? I have several. Which one is the most memorable? At many banks and other secure establishments, they issue RSA keys to their staff and a relatively simple combination of a username, password and the RSA key. If this is good enough to protect your data when being accessed at home by employees then it is good enough to protect my data when being accessed by me. More so if the banks got their collective acts together I could have one RSA key I could register on all their sites rather than carrying around a different device per bank. Thank you again Tesco for relieving me of the burden of having to remember another set of logins.
10 October 2013
Doctors appointments
However the patient appointments system both in Scotland and my former doctors in London is prehistoric by comparison. I can't understand why in 2013 the only way to get a same day appointment is to jam the phone on redail at 8am until you give up or join the queue with everyone else trying to get through at the same time. If you try calling an hour later, all the appointments are gone for the day and the book ahead appointments for tomorrow are also gone too. You could try calling at 8am the next day and join the phone frenzy to see if you can get a same day appointment that has just been released and try your luck at the appointment lottery.
Alternatively we can come up with something better. At 8am I am usually travelling to work on the train and it isn't feasible to play telephone roulette. If I'm not travelling to work I am also getting three children to school on time and don't have a spare personal assistant who can keep my place in the phone queue while I am driving the car or sitting on a train or anything else which people get up to on a busy school morning. Having 15 minutes spare to hang around pressing redial indefinitely and then wait in a queue is hardly an effective use of anyone's time on a busy school day or work morning.
Since the doctor is so keen on getting me to use the internet to order repeat prescriptions maybe they could organise an online booking system where people can book slots at their leisure rather than playing telephone roulette at 8am in the morning. A few appointment slots could be reserved for online and some set aside for phone bookings too. The telephone roulette is not only inconvenient but it puts at an advantage people with a landline with an auto redial feature. Elderly people might not have such a rapid redial finger and so without auto redial they are put at a disadvantage.
Surely we can do better than this?
Gaelic events in Edinburgh - October/November 2013
Subject: | Gaelic events in Edinburgh - October/November |
Date: | Wed, 9 Oct 2013 13:15:44 +0100 |
From: | John Macleod <> |
To: | <> |
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