By Craig Cockburn, IT Professional from Scotland. Digital Transformation, Agile Management, Politics and Social change
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25 September 2007
Stopping the junk mail
1. Stuff addressed to you, you can stop this by writing to the Mailing Preference service
2. Stuff addressed to nobody. Leaflets, etc. You can stop this by e-mailing: This is the service that a postie was disciplined for telling his customers about. Good old Royal Mail, here to spam you and then discipline anyone who tells customers how to stop the spam.
3. Stuff addressed to a generic address, e.g. "The Occupier", "The Head of Personnel", "The Householder".
The Direct Marketing Association has you over a barrel here, because there is currently no way of opting out of this spam. This means that if you are moving house you can look forward to receiving several spam mailshots a day addressed to "The Occupier" offering you removal and storage services and other stuff you probably aren't interested in, especially if you have moved already.
Dear Marketing spammers. Kindly get your act together and have a "no junk mail" service that actually works.
19 September 2007
08 September 2007
why demon internet is not recommended
1. As a business, the internet is important to me. I am changing address, but keeping the same phone number.
2. After a very lengthy conversation on 4 Sept, I explained BT were transferring my line on 18 sept. Demon has no concept of transferring, you have to cancel and set up a new service. Setting up the new service takes at least 5 working days, hence your business will be offline for a week. In this day and age, it is unacceptable.
3. During the call on the 4th, demon set me up with temporary dial up access. They then said to call back on the 13th to minimise downtime.
4. I return from my business trip on the 7th to find the arseholes at Demon had already cancelled my broadband.
5. I then called them on the evening of the 8th to log into the dial up account which was set up on the 4th to find that it hadnt been set up at all, they couldnt help me until Monday (by which time I will be out of the country) and they didnt even know if customer service was open on a Sunday or not.
6. Conclusion. Demon is crap and should know better than to outsource to India.
7. Avoid Demon if you value your sanity.
(posted via Orange WAP). Ha ha, you can take away our ADSL but you can never take away our freedom..... :-)
07 September 2007
iPod touch, browser, calendar, personalised news. Patent application 1990.
read more | digg story
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