By Craig Cockburn, IT Professional from Scotland. Digital Transformation, Agile Management, Politics and Social change
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23 May 2012
Gaelic Events in Edinburgh – June 2012
Please contact John Macleod to receive these updates by email
Friday 01.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 01.06.12 – 7.00pm Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Friday 01.06.12 – 7.30pm “The Idiot at the Wall” – a play by Elspeth Turner (Some Gaelic content) Based in The Hebrides 1919. The Pleasance Theatre, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh. Tickets £10/£8/ (Cont: 650 4673 or Further performances on 7th , 8th & 9th June.
Friday 01.06.11 – 8.30pm Bothan Dhùn Èideann – with Norrie Maciver, Canon’s Gait, 232 Canongate, Edinburgh. £5 (£3) (Contact: or 552 5998)
Saturday 02.06.12 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 02.06.12 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 03.06.12 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 04.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Postbeginners)
Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Monday 04.06.12 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s, Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 04.06.12 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 19-24) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (10.04 -15.05)
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners) Tynecastle High School, McLeod St.
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 73 – 78) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont:
Tuesday 05.06.12 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 06.06.12 – 12.45pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 37-48) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (gu Og-mhios)
Wednesday 06.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 114 - 118) Final Day. Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 06.06.12 – 7.15pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 43-48) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont: (19.04-24.05)
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Postbeginners)
Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth.
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Tollcross Primary School, Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 97 - 108) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Thursday 07.06.12 – 7.30pm “The Idiot at the Wall” – a play by Elspeth Turner (Some Gaelic content) Based in The Hebrides 1919. The Pleasance Theatre, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh. Tickets £10/£8/ (Cont: 650
4673 or Further performances on 8th & 9th June.
Friday 08.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 08.06.12 – 7.00pm Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Friday 08.06.12 – 7.30pm “The Idiot at the Wall” – a play by Elspeth Turner (Some Gaelic content) Based in The Hebrides 1919. The Pleasance Theatre, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh. Tickets £10/£8/ (Cont: 650
4673 or
Saturday 09.06.12 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 09.06.12 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Saturday 09.06.12 – 7.30pm Edinburgh Argyll Association – Ceilidh at St. John’s Church Hall, Lothian Road. With Arthur Cormack (Mod Gold Medallist), Andrew McIntyre (Pipes). MC – Dolina Maclennan. (Cont: 0131 453 5766)
Saturday 09.06.12 – 7.30pm “The Idiot at the Wall” – a play by Elspeth Turner (Some Gaelic content) Based in The Hebrides 1919. The Pleasance Theatre, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh. Tickets £10/£8/ (Cont: 650
4673 or
Sunday 10.06.12 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 11.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Postbeginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Monday 11.06.12 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s, Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 11.06.12 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 12.06.11 – 1.00pm Gaelic Lunch Club, Mercure Hotel, (formerly Mount Royal) Princes St. Speaker: Prof. Rob Dunbar. (Cont: 07906 318561).
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 19-24) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (10.04 -15.05)
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners) Tynecastle High School, McLeod St.
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 73 – 78) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont:
Tuesday 12.06.12 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 13.06.12 – 12.45pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 37-48) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (gu Ogmhios)
Wednesday 13.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 114 - 118) Final Day. Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 13.06.12 – 7.15pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 14.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 43-48) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont: (19.04-24.05)
Thursday 14.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Postbeginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Thursday 14.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth.
Thursday 14.06.12 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Tollcross Primary School, Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 14.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 97 - 108)
Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 15.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 15.06.12 – 7.00pm Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 16.06.12 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 16.06.12 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 17.06.12 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 18.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Postbeginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Monday 18.06.12 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s, Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 18.06.12 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 19-24) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (10.04 -15.05)
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners) Tynecastle High School, McLeod St.
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 73 – 78) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont:
Tuesday 19.06.12 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 20.06.12 – 12.45pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 37-48) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. ( (gu Og-mhios)
Wednesday 20.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 114 - 118) Final Day. Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (
Wednesday 20.06.12 – 7.15pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 21.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 43-48) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont: (19.04-24.05)
Thursday 21.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Postbeginners)
Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Thursday 21.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth.
Thursday 21.06.12 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Tollcross Primary
School, Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 21.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 97 - 108) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 22.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 22.06.12 – 7.00pm Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 23.06.12 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 23.06.12 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 24.06.12 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 25.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Postbeginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Monday 25.06.12 – 9.30am Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s, Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 25.06.12 – 11.00am Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 19-24) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (10.04 -15.05)
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners) Tynecastle High School, McLeod St.
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 73 – 78) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont:
Tuesday 26.06.12 – 7.30pm Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 27.06.12 – 12.45pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 37-48) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont: (gu Ogmhios)
Wednesday 27.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 114 - 118) Final Day. Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 27.06.12 – 7.15pm Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 28.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 43-48) Drummond High School, Bellevue Place. (Cont: (19.04-24.05)
Thursday 28.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Postbeginners) Broughton High School, Comely Bank Ave,.
Thursday 28.06.12 – 7.00pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth.
Thursday 28.06.12 – 7.15pm Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Tollcross Primary School, Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Thursday 28.06.12 – 7.15pm Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 97 - 108) Final Day. Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 29.06.12 – 9.15am Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 29.06.12 – 7.00pm Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 30.06.12 – 12.45pm Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 30.06.12 – 3.30pm Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two
Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
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