By Craig Cockburn, IT Professional from Scotland. Digital Transformation, Agile Management, Politics and Social change
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29 February 2012
University of Glasgow Ùlpan Gaelic courses in March
Glasgow University – Tasters ( units 1,2 + 3 )
Y254 Saturday 17th March - 9.30 - 11.00 + 11.30 - 13.00
Y254A Tuesday 20th March - 9.30 - 11.00 + 11.30 - 13.00
Y254B Thursday 22nd March - 18.15 - 19.45 + 20.00 - 21.30
Units 1-24, 12 meetings, 6 weeks
G240B Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17th April 18.15-21.30
Rhuallan House, Giffnock – Tasters ( units 1,2 + 3 )
Y254C Wednesday 21st March - 9.30 - 11.00 + 11.30 - 13.00
Y254D Thursday 22nd March - 18.15 - 19.45 + 20.00 - 21.30
Ùlpan is a fast and effective way to learn Gaelic which has been used to great effect in Israel to teach Hebrew and in Wales to teach Welsh, where Wlpan has brought thousands of adult learners to fluency. Speaking comes first, and reading and writing follow a little later. You learn through repetition of key structures and through language activities, with a strong emphasis on speaking the language.
Fees: all tasters are £10.00. Course G240B, £230.00 Students who have already studied Ùlpan qualify automatically for a £50 discount which will cover units 1-72. More information at: and
Courses qualify for funding through ILA Scotland, tel 0808 100 1090 or
University of Glasgow, Centre for Open Studies ( DACE ),
St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH
Tel: 0141 330 1835
The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
18 February 2012
Gaelic events in Edinburgh Feb/March 2012
Saturday 18.02.12 – 12.45pm
Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes –
Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian
MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 18.02.12 – 3.30pm
Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic
Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Saturday 18.02.12 – 9.00pm
50th Highland Annual,
An Comunn Ceilteach, Teviot Row House,
Square . (Ceilidh – Allan MacDonald, Sineag Nic an
t-Saoir, Alasdair Whyte, Lawrence Perks, Kirsty Traynor), (Dance – Fergie
Macdonald’s Band and Andrew Macdonald’s Band). Ceilidh/Dance till 0300. Photo ID
Sunday 19.02.12 – 12.30pm Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk,
Place . Mr Alasdair Macleod. (Cont: 225
Monday 20.02.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Post-beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Monday 20.02.12 – 9.30am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s 94A Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134
Monday 20.02.12 – 11.00am
Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café
Nero, Frasers, West End . Conversational
opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 12.45pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 30 – 36) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners)
High School , McLeod St. (Cont:
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 61 – 72) Drummond High
School , Bellevue Place . (Cont:
Tuesday 21.02.12 – 7.30pm
Gaelic Conversation
Circle – SNP
Rooms, North St. Andrew
St. with Calum Cameron. (Cont: 334
Wednesday 22.02.12 – 5.15pm
Soillse Seminar on Language Policy & Planning, 27 George Square.
Prof. Kenneth Mackinnon, University of Aberdeen ‘Media & Language
Revitalisation: Minority-language media & reversing language shift’ (Cont: 650
Wednesday 22.02.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 106 - 113) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 22.02.12 – 7.15pm
Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly
rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855
Thursday 23.02.12 – 10.00am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, eteaket, 41
Frederick St. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Thursday 23.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Post-beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Thursday 23.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School , Viewforth. (Cont:
Thursday 23.02.12 – 7.15pm
Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly
rehearsal – Tollcross Primary
School , Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906
Thursday 23.02.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 85 - 96) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 24.02.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 24.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm
Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221
Saturday 25.02.12 – 12.45pm
Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes –
Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian
MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 25.02.12 – 3.30pm
Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic
Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 26.02.12 – 12.30pm
Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk,
Place . Rev. Kenneth Macdonald. (Cont: 225
Monday 27.02.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Post-beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Monday 27.02.12 – 9.30am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s 94A Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134
Monday 27.02.12 – 11.00am
Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café
Nero, Frasers, West End . Conversational
opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 12.45pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 30 – 36) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 5.15pm
Soillse Seminar on Language Policy & Planning, 27 George Square.
An t-Ollamh Gillian Rothach, Sabhal Mor
Ostaig ‘’S e Siabost as bòidhche leam: barail is comas cànain ann an
coimhearsnachd thraidiseanta ‘s na h-Eileanan Siar’ Delivered in Gaelic. No
translation facilities. (Cont: 650 4169).
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners)
High School , McLeod St. (Cont:
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 61 – 72) Drummond High
School , Bellevue Place . (Cont:
Tuesday 28.02.12 – 7.30pm
Gaelic Conversation
Circle – SNP
Rooms, North St. Andrew
St. with Calum Cameron. (Cont: 334
Wednesday 29.02.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 106 - 113) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 29.02.12 – 7.15pm
Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly
rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855
Thursday 01.03.12 – 10.00am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, eteaket, 41
Frederick St. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Thursday 01.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Post-beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Thursday 01.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School , Viewforth. (Cont:
Thursday 01.03.12 – 7.15pm
Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly
rehearsal – Tollcross Primary
School , Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906
Thursday 01.03.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 85 - 96) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 02.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 02.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm
Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221
Friday 02.03.11 – 8.30pm
Bothan – with new Gaelic group “Cruinn”, Canon’s Gait, 232 Canongate, Edinburgh. £5 (£3)
or 552 5998)
Saturday 03.03.12 – 12.45pm
Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes –
Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian
MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 03.03.12 – 3.30pm
Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic
Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 04.03.12 – 12.30pm
Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk,
Place . (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 05.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Post-beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Monday 05.03.12 – 9.30am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s 94A Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134
Monday 05.03.12 – 11.00am
Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café
Nero, Frasers, West End . Conversational
opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228
Monday 05.03.12 – 5.15pm
Soillse Seminar on Language Policy & Planning, 27 George Square.
Dr Laura Kostanski, Office of Geographic
Names Victoria and Committee for Geographical Names of Australasia ‘Australian
Place-names and Language Policy’
(Cont: 650 4169).
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 12.45pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 30 – 36) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners)
High School , McLeod St. (Cont:
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 61 – 72) Drummond High
School , Bellevue Place . (Cont:
Tuesday 06.03.12 – 7.30pm
Gaelic Conversation
Circle – SNP
Rooms, North St. Andrew
St. with Calum Cameron. (Cont: 334
Wednesday 07.03.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 106 - 113) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 07.03.12 – 7.15pm
Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly
rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855
Thursday 08.03.12 – 10.00am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, eteaket, 41
Frederick St. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Thursday 08.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Post-beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Thursday 08.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School , Viewforth. (Cont:
Thursday 08.03.12 – 7.15pm
Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly
rehearsal – Tollcross Primary
School , Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906
Thursday 08.03.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 85 - 96) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 09.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 09.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm
Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221
Saturday 10.03.12 – 12.45pm
Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes –
Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian
MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 10.03.12 – 3.30pm
Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic
Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 11.03.12 – 12.30pm
Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk,
Place . (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 12.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Post-beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Monday 12.03.12 – 9.30am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s 94A Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134
Monday 12.03.12 – 11.00am
Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café
Nero, Frasers, West End . Conversational
opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 12.45pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 30 – 36) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners)
High School , McLeod St. (Cont:
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 61 – 72) Drummond High
School , Bellevue Place . (Cont:
Tuesday 13.03.12 – 7.30pm
Gaelic Conversation
Circle – SNP
Rooms, North St. Andrew
St. with Calum Cameron. (Cont: 334
Wednesday 14.03.12 – 5.15pm
Soillse Seminar on Language Policy & Planning, 27 George Square.
Fiona O’ Hanlon, Prof. Lindsay Paterson
& Dr Wilson Macleod, University of Edinburgh : ‘Classifying Gaelic-medium
Provision: language use in early years, primary and secondary school
settings’ (Cont: 650
Wednesday 14.03.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 106 - 113) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Wednesday 14.03.12 – 7.15pm
Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly
rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855
Thursday 15.03.12 – 10.00am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, eteaket, 41
Frederick St. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Thursday 15.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 25 – 42 - Post-beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Thursday 15.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 10 - Beginners) Boroughmuir High School , Viewforth. (Cont:
Thursday 15.03.12 – 7.15pm
Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly
rehearsal – Tollcross Primary
School , Fountainbridge. (Cont: 07906
Thursday 15.03.12 – 7.15pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 85 - 96) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Friday 16.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 01 - 24 – Beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Friday 16.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm
Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221
Saturday 17.03.12 – 12.45pm
Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes –
Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian
MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 17.03.12 – 3.30pm
Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic
Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 18.03.12 – 12.30pm
Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk,
Place . (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 19.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 25 - 48 – Post-beginners) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Monday 19.03.12 – 9.30am
Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, Cuthbert’s 94A Fountainbridge. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134
Monday 19.03.12 – 11.00am
Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café
Nero, Frasers, West End . Conversational
opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 9.15am
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hr), (Units 48 - 72 – Intermediate) Tollcross Comm. Centre,
Fountainbridge. (Cont:
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 12.45pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 30 – 36) Tollcross Comm. Centre, Fountainbridge.
Tuesday 20.03.11 – 1.00pm
Gaelic Lunch Club, Mercure
Hotel, (formerly Mount Royal ) Princes St . Speaker: John Morrison, Ness . (Cont: 07906 318561).
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Units 01 – 18 - Beginners) Broughton High School,
Comely Bank Ave,. (Cont:
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (2hrs), (Post-beginners)
High School , McLeod St. (Cont:
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 7.00pm
Ulpan Gaelic Learning course (1hr 30m), (Units 61 – 72) Drummond High
School , Bellevue Place . (Cont:
Tuesday 20.03.12 – 7.30pm
Gaelic Conversation
Circle – SNP
Rooms, North St. Andrew
St. with Calum Cameron. (Cont: 334
Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK
11 February 2012
Gaelic Singing Workshop and Céilidh in London
Comunn Gàidhlig Lunnainn, founded 1777.
Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsir
Céilidh with Darren MacLean
Skye Royal National Mòd Gold Medallist 2003 & Traditional Medallist 2009
Saturday 18 February 2012, 7.30pm
Crown Court Church, Russell Street, Covent Garden (nearest Tube: Covent Garden or Charing Cross)
Buffet/ Raffle Tickets: £20
Gaelic Song Workshop led by Darren MacLean 5.00 - 6.30pm Tickets: £10
Combined ticket (workshop and céilidh): £25 To help us plan and cater for this event, please let Iain Fleming know if you wish to attend on 07762 077690 or by email to Alternatively, please send the details below with your cheque, made payable to
The Gaelic Society of London, to
Joyce Seymour-Chalk,
39 Henderson Court,
Fitzjohns Avenue,
-- cut here --
Please reserve ___ ticket(s) for the workshop / céilidh / workshop and céilidh on 18 February. I enclose a cheque for £____.
Please also note in your diary: Suipeir nam Bàrd on Saturday 24 March with Pàdraig MacAoidh.
Look out for more information soon
Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsir
Céilidh with Darren MacLean
Skye Royal National Mòd Gold Medallist 2003 & Traditional Medallist 2009
Saturday 18 February 2012, 7.30pm
Crown Court Church, Russell Street, Covent Garden (nearest Tube: Covent Garden or Charing Cross)
Buffet/ Raffle Tickets: £20
Gaelic Song Workshop led by Darren MacLean 5.00 - 6.30pm Tickets: £10
Combined ticket (workshop and céilidh): £25 To help us plan and cater for this event, please let Iain Fleming know if you wish to attend on 07762 077690 or by email to Alternatively, please send the details below with your cheque, made payable to
The Gaelic Society of London, to
Joyce Seymour-Chalk,
39 Henderson Court,
Fitzjohns Avenue,
-- cut here --
Please reserve ___ ticket(s) for the workshop / céilidh / workshop and céilidh on 18 February. I enclose a cheque for £____.
Please also note in your diary: Suipeir nam Bàrd on Saturday 24 March with Pàdraig MacAoidh.
Look out for more information soon
London, UK
10 February 2012
Global Marketing Network Appoints Technology ‘Czar’
8 February 2012 - Original release here
Global Marketing Network Appoints Technology ‘Czar’
Global Marketing Network, the Global Accreditation Body for Marketing Professionals, has today appointed Craig Cockburn to the GMN Global Advisory Council as its Special Advisor for Digital Engagement, further strengthening its capabilities in this critical area of business.
Said GMN’s Chief Executive, Darrell Kofkin, "Marketing Professionals recognise that market and technology factors are two of the most powerful external forces that drive increasing levels of complexity but also opportunity over the next five years. We plan to make significant investments in our website, digital and social media platforms over the next 12 months to provide our members with increasing levels of service and professional development support.
Kofkin continues. "With our recent acquisition of the MyMarketingLife Community on Viadeo, the agreement we have entered into with Kogan Page to develop a free-to-download multi-platform App providing 24/7, ‘one-click’ access to some of the world’s leading voices from the world of marketing and a growing need to support the implementation of our digital strategy, we are delighted that Craig has agreed to join GMN at this time."
Craig has over twenty years’ experience of designing, delivering and implementing wide ranging digital projects for both private sector and UK Governmental clients including The Cabinet Office, Aviva Insurance, Axa Wealth, News International and Tesco. Most recently Craig was a Principal Consultant for the UK Government’s Department of Work and Pensions’ award-winning Agile programme. He is currently working with The John Lewis Partnership.
Says Craig Cockburn of his appointment, "It is a very exciting time to be taking up this most prestigious appointment with Global Marketing Network. I am delighted that GMN has appointed me as its Special Advisor for Digital Engagement and I am looking forward to being able to contribute to its digital strategy and the development of its ground-breaking app, designed to support the development of the Marketing Profession worldwide."
GMN and Kogan Page launch the new Marketing app this Spring. To find out how to receive an exclusive invitation to the launch and be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad2 visit
Global Marketing Network Appoints Technology ‘Czar’
Global Marketing Network, the Global Accreditation Body for Marketing Professionals, has today appointed Craig Cockburn to the GMN Global Advisory Council as its Special Advisor for Digital Engagement, further strengthening its capabilities in this critical area of business.
Said GMN’s Chief Executive, Darrell Kofkin, "Marketing Professionals recognise that market and technology factors are two of the most powerful external forces that drive increasing levels of complexity but also opportunity over the next five years. We plan to make significant investments in our website, digital and social media platforms over the next 12 months to provide our members with increasing levels of service and professional development support.
Kofkin continues. "With our recent acquisition of the MyMarketingLife Community on Viadeo, the agreement we have entered into with Kogan Page to develop a free-to-download multi-platform App providing 24/7, ‘one-click’ access to some of the world’s leading voices from the world of marketing and a growing need to support the implementation of our digital strategy, we are delighted that Craig has agreed to join GMN at this time."
Craig has over twenty years’ experience of designing, delivering and implementing wide ranging digital projects for both private sector and UK Governmental clients including The Cabinet Office, Aviva Insurance, Axa Wealth, News International and Tesco. Most recently Craig was a Principal Consultant for the UK Government’s Department of Work and Pensions’ award-winning Agile programme. He is currently working with The John Lewis Partnership.
Says Craig Cockburn of his appointment, "It is a very exciting time to be taking up this most prestigious appointment with Global Marketing Network. I am delighted that GMN has appointed me as its Special Advisor for Digital Engagement and I am looking forward to being able to contribute to its digital strategy and the development of its ground-breaking app, designed to support the development of the Marketing Profession worldwide."
GMN and Kogan Page launch the new Marketing app this Spring. To find out how to receive an exclusive invitation to the launch and be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad2 visit
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