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29 November 2011

Gaelic events and news from Nova Scotia November 2011

Please see the attached PDF for the latest Gaelic news from Nova Scotia


From: Pauline MacDonald []
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 4:48 PM
To: Pauline MacDonald
Subject: GAELIC AFFAIRS: Media Monitoring Report - 2011-11-25 Fior Mhath

Ceangailte ri seo, gheobh sibh aithisg air a cur a-mach le Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, Roinn bheag Roinn nan Coimhearsnachdan, a' Chultair agus an Dualchais, Riaghaltas na h-Albann Nuaidh.

Attached is a report issued by Gaelic Affairs, a Division of the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, Government of Nova Scotia.

Poilin NicDhòmhnaill
Prìomh Mhanaidsear na h-Oifis
Iomairtean na Gàidhlig,
Roinn bheag Roinn nan Coimhearsnachdan, a' Chultair agus an Dualchais
Pauline MacDonald
Senior Office Manager, Gaelic Affairs, a division of Communities, Culture & Heritage
Phón/Tel. 902-863-7578

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