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18 July 2013

Gaelic events in Edinburgh - July & August 2013

From/Bho; John MacLeod

A' chàirdean,
Liosta an cois seo, gu h-ìseal agus air PDF, mu thachartasan sa bhaile tron mhìos a leanas.   Cuiribh fios thugam ma tha tuilleadh agaibh ri chur rithe.
See below, and attached, for updated list of Gaelic events coming up in Edinburgh over the rest of this month and the next.  Please let me know of any changes/additions for future circulations.
Gach dùrachd,

Monday 15.07.13  John Muir Birthplace, Dunbar, up till 25 July. 
                                                            The Guga Stone - an exhibition in the context of St Kilda of drawing, assemblage and other collaborative work with poets and authors, including Donald S. Murray, Isobel Dixon, Robert Alan Jamieson, Norman Bissell and Andrew Philip.
Monday 15.07.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 15.07.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 16.07.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 17.07.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 17.07.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Friday 19.07.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 20.07.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 20.07.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Saturday 20.07.13 – 7.30pm              Edinburgh Argyll Association Ceilidh, St. John’s Church Hall, Lothian Road, with Linn Phipps, Mod Silver Pendant winner, Ellen Beard (Gaelic singer), Allan Cram, Scots singer & Andrew McIntyre (pipes). MC – Angela McSeveney. (Cont: 453 5766)
Sunday 21.07.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 22.07.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 22.07.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 23.07.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 24.07.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 24.07.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Friday 26.07.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 27.07.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 27.07.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 28.07.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 29.07.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 29.07.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 30.07.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 31.07.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 31.07.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Friday 02.08.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 03.08.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 03.08.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 04.08.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 05.08.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 05.08.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 06.08.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Tuesday 06.08.13 – 8.00pm               Festival Fringe, Accoustic Music Centre, Orwell Terrace. Fèis Rois & Friends, Young Musicians from across Scotland. Tickets: £15 (£12). Cont: 0131 226 0000)
Wednesday 07.08.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 07.08.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Friday 09.08.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 10.08.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 10.08.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Saturday 10.08.13 – 8.30pm              Edinburgh Book Festival, Baillie Gifford Corner Theatre, Charlotte Sq. Gdns. Gaelic Fiction in 21st Century with AP Campbell, Micheal Klevenhaus, Mairi E Macleod. Chair: Moray Watson, Tickets: £7(£5). (Cont: 0845 373 5888)   
Sunday 11.08.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 12.08.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 12.08.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Monday 12.08.13 – 7.30pm               Festival Fringe, St Cecilia’s Hall, Cowgate. Ceòl na Pìoba & Ceòl na Gàidhealtachd with The National Piping Centre and Friends. Tickets: £15(£12). (Cont: 0131 226 0000).   
Monday 12.08.13 – 8.30pm               Edinburgh Book Festival, Peppers Theatre, Charlotte Sq. Gdns. Two Poet Nations with Meg Bateman, Peter Mackay, Charles Torner. Chair: Niall O’ Gallagher. Tickets: £10(£8). (Cont: 0845 373 5888).   
Tuesday 13.08.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 14.08.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 14.08.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 15.08.13 – 7.15pm             Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Friday 16.08.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 17.08.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 17.08.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 18.08.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 19.08.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 19.08.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 20.08.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 21.08.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 21.08.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Wednesday 21.08.13 – 7.30pm          Festival Fringe, Colmcille Centre, Newbattle Tce. Clàrsach Society – Talented young clarsach players. Refreshments. Tickets: £6 (£4) Cont: 0131 226 0000)
Thursday 22.08.13 – 7.15pm             Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Friday 23.08.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Friday 23.08.13 – 7.30pm                  Festival Fringe, St Andrews’s & St George’s Church, George St. Clàrsach Society – with Na Clàrsairean, Lothian Gaelic Choir, Calum Macleod, Mod Gold Medallist & Ellie Evans, Young Composer of the Year. Tickets: £10 (£8) Cont: 0131 226 0000)
Saturday 24.08.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 24.08.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:
Sunday 25.08.13 – 12.30pm               Weekly Gaelic service, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. (Cont: 225 1900)
Monday 26.08.13 – 7.30pm               Orain nan Gaidheal/Songs of the Gael - Coisir Dhun Eideann – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. Informal concert for all the family. Journey through Scottish Highlands & Islands. Gaelic songs, puirt-a-beul and the stories behind them. Ticket: £5. (Cont. 0131 220 6109)
Monday 26.08.13 – 9.30am               Yaketi-yak Gaelic conversation session, The Filmhouse, Lothian Rd. (1hr) (Cont: 07826 555134 or
Monday 26.08.13 – 11.00am             Gaelic Coffee Morning – Café Nero, Frasers, West End. Conversational opportunity for Gaelic speakers of all ages & abilities. (Cont: 0131 228 5035)
Tuesday 27.08.13 – 7.30pm               Gaelic Conversation Circle – SNP Rooms, North St. Andrew St. with Joe Wright. (Cont: 334 7005)
Wednesday 28.08.13 – 2.30pm          Gaidhlig sa Choille/Gaelic in the Forest – Forest Café, 141 Lauriston Place. Informal Gaelic language workshop for complete beginners. (Cont: )
Wednesday 28.08.13 – 7.15pm          Coisir Dhun Eideann weekly rehearsal – Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Tce. (Cont. 0777 855 1294)
Thursday 29.08.13 – 7.15pm             Lothian Gaelic Choir weekly rehearsal – Gillis Centre, Strathearn Road. (Cont: 07906 318561)
Friday 30.08.13 – 7.00pm                  Ceilidh nan Amhrain Gàidhlig – Gaelic & Irish songs to learn, Room 3 Tollcross Comm Centre (2hrs). With Déirdre Ní Mhathúna. (Cont: 221 5800)
Saturday 31.08.13 – 12.45pm            Féis Dhùn Èideann Trad music/Gaelic Song/Step Dance Classes – Tollcross Comm Centre. (Cont: Gillian MacDonald 07514 386925 or
Saturday 31.08.13 – 3.30pm              Cànan is Cèic (Gaelic Conversation Session) – Venue: Two Thin Laddies, 103 High Riggs. (Cont:  

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